Friday, October 23, 2009

Blogging....the hard way

Blogging......., sumthing that i thought i would never do, but a kind of feeling arose in my mind that how can people do this boring kinda thing (though its interesting to read :) ) so i thought to give it a try afterall everyone tries to make his or her life interesting so i chose the hard way. Hard way in d sense coz i hate writing just hate it. Describing sumthing, elaborating sumthing in a descriptive manner n den jotting it down is not the thing i am good at or say i feel that way :P. I remember i used to hate questions on essays nd stuff or statements like "elaborate it". So i guess this was the last thing i would hv done but surprisingly now am on it. wooooo am already feeling boring .. lol, but let it be will try best to continue. So to start with I would try to write sumthing bout my life.

My life is I guess interesting enough that i want to live........ :P. But with a limited circle of frnds sumtimes it really gets boring, neways am use to it frm my childhood only. My limited circle also has a reason that is am not extrovert kinda person or like those who make frnds easily. i dont open up to everyone or my attitude also comes in d way. but as always i say "let it be" whatever happens is for good only :).

Lol...... am kinda feeling sleepy now so its time to go for a nice fall on the bed. dont know how far this blogging thing would go but lets see........hope for the best :).zzzzzzzzz.